Friday, October 22, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

Your eyes are a hint.

True, your body tells a story. It's in the way you sit just so, with your legs crossed and your fingers fidgeting with your phone. It's in that slight curl of a secret smile as you read the text I sent across the room to you. It's in the hair you woke up in that somehow looks more perfectly in careless place as the day passes. It's in the shirt around your shoulders, and the belt around your waist. It's in a brush, a breath, a blush.

But your eyes--your eyes are a hint. They hint at so much more of who you are. Every time they twinkle, or every time they mist...a million possibilities and a million reasons more flash like a spooked horse through my mind as tiny fears and hopes. I thrill whenever your eyes catch hold of mine; it's as though an unexpected icy drop of water drips upon my tender, sunburnt back. And I want to know more. I want to tread the never-ending pathways of your mind and heart, your dreams and experience, your spotlit and your shadowed.

To stand transfixed within your depth of gaze is to stand before the wardrobe door, yearning with excitement for the Narnia sprawled behind Aunt Mathilda's ermine coat and Uncle Francis' dinner tails. I want to explore! I want to see the landmarks, the landfills, the mountains, the marsh. I want to learn just who it is you really are, and love it all. I want to know you intimately; yet years from now, when both we in our rocking chairs that creak just like our bones rest contented under sunset's guard, I want to stumble upon still unknown glens and copses in the landscape of you. I want to be forever yours and have you ever mine.

Yes! I want to be forever yours and have you ever mine.

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